Getting Started
Text Animations
Device Mocks
A mockup of the iPhone 15 Pro.
import React, { SVGProps } from 'react';export interface IPhoneProps extends SVGProps<SVGSVGElement> {width?: number;height?: number;src?: string;}export const IPhone: React.FC<IPhoneProps> = ({width = 433,height = 882,src,...props}) => {return (<svgwidth={width}height={height}viewBox={`0 0 ${width} ${height}`}fill="none"xmlns=""{...props}><pathd="M2 73C2 32.6832 34.6832 0 75 0H357C397.317 0 430 32.6832 430 73V809C430 849.317 397.317 882 357 882H75C34.6832 882 2 849.317 2 809V73Z"className="fill-[#E5E5E5] dark:fill-[#404040]"/><pathd="M0 171C0 170.448 0.447715 170 1 170H3V204H1C0.447715 204 0 203.552 0 203V171Z"className="fill-[#E5E5E5] dark:fill-[#404040]"/><pathd="M1 234C1 233.448 1.44772 233 2 233H3.5V300H2C1.44772 300 1 299.552 1 299V234Z"className="fill-[#E5E5E5] dark:fill-[#404040]"/><pathd="M1 319C1 318.448 1.44772 318 2 318H3.5V385H2C1.44772 385 1 384.552 1 384V319Z"className="fill-[#E5E5E5] dark:fill-[#404040]"/><pathd="M430 279H432C432.552 279 433 279.448 433 280V384C433 384.552 432.552 385 432 385H430V279Z"className="fill-[#E5E5E5] dark:fill-[#404040]"/><pathd="M6 74C6 35.3401 37.3401 4 76 4H356C394.66 4 426 35.3401 426 74V808C426 846.66 394.66 878 356 878H76C37.3401 878 6 846.66 6 808V74Z"className="dark:fill-[#262626] fill-white"/><pathopacity="0.5"d="M174 5H258V5.5C258 6.60457 257.105 7.5 256 7.5H176C174.895 7.5 174 6.60457 174 5.5V5Z"className="fill-[#E5E5E5] dark:fill-[#404040]"/><pathd="M21.25 75C21.25 44.2101 46.2101 19.25 77 19.25H355C385.79 19.25 410.75 44.2101 410.75 75V807C410.75 837.79 385.79 862.75 355 862.75H77C46.2101 862.75 21.25 837.79 21.25 807V75Z"className="fill-[#E5E5E5] dark:fill-[#404040] stroke-[#E5E5E5] dark:stroke-[#404040] stroke-[0.5]"/>{src && (<imagehref={src}x="21.25"y="19.25"width="389.5"height="843.5"preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice"clipPath="url(#roundedCorners)"/>)}<pathd="M154 48.5C154 38.2827 162.283 30 172.5 30H259.5C269.717 30 278 38.2827 278 48.5C278 58.7173 269.717 67 259.5 67H172.5C162.283 67 154 58.7173 154 48.5Z"className="dark:fill-[#262626] fill-[#F5F5F5]"/><pathd="M249 48.5C249 42.701 253.701 38 259.5 38C265.299 38 270 42.701 270 48.5C270 54.299 265.299 59 259.5 59C253.701 59 249 54.299 249 48.5Z"className="dark:fill-[#262626] fill-[#F5F5F5]"/><pathd="M254 48.5C254 45.4624 256.462 43 259.5 43C262.538 43 265 45.4624 265 48.5C265 51.5376 262.538 54 259.5 54C256.462 54 254 51.5376 254 48.5Z"className="fill-[#E5E5E5] dark:fill-[#404040]"/><defs><clipPath id="roundedCorners"><rectx="21.25"y="19.25"width="389.5"height="843.5"rx="55.75"ry="55.75"/></clipPath></defs></svg>);}
With Image
Attribute | Type | Description | Default |
src | string | The source URL of the image to display in the Safari window | undefined |
width | number | The width of the Safari window | 433 |
height | number | The height of the Safari window | 882 |
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