Contributing to FuselagemUI

Thank you for your interest in contributing to FuselagemUI! We appreciate your support and look forward to your contributions. This guide will help you understand the directory structure and provide detailed instructions on how to add a new component to FuselagemUI!

Getting Started

Fork the Repository

Click here to fork the repository.

Clone your forked repository to your local machine

git clone<YOUR_USERNAME>/fuselagem.git
cd fuselagem

Create a new branch for your changes

git checkout -b my-new-branch

Install dependencies

npm install

Run the project

npm run dev

Acess your http://localhost:3000.

Adding a New Component

To add a new component to FuselagemUI, you will need to modify several files. Follow these steps:

Create Component

Create the main component in components/ui/{component-name}/{component-name}.tsx

import React from "react";
export default function ComponentName() {
return <div>This is your component.</div>;

Create Component Example

Provide a basic example to showcase your component in components/examples/{component-name}/{component-name-example}.tsx

import React from "react";
import { ComponentName } from "@/ui/component-name}/component-name}";
export default function ComponentNameExample() {
return (
<ComponentName />

Update Registry

Export your component and example in the registry files:

In components/registry/ui.ts:

export const ui: Registry = [
// ... existing components ...
"component-name": {
name: "component-name",
files: [{
name: "ComponentName.tsx",
file: "components/ui/component-name/component-name.tsx"

In components/registry/example.ts:

export const example: Registry = [
// ... existing examples ...
"component-name-demo": {
name: "component-name-demo",
files: [{
name: "ComponentNameDemo.tsx",
file: "components/examples/component-name-demo/component-name-demo.tsx"
component: React.lazy(
() => import("@/components/examples/component-name-demo/component-name-demo"),

Update Sidebar

Add your component to the sidebar in config/routes.ts

key: "component-name",
title: "Component Name",
keywords: "component-name"
path: `/docs/components/component-name.mdx`,

Create docs

Create an MDX file for documenting your component in content/docs/components/component-name.mdx

title: "Component Name"
description: "Component Name for FuselagemUI."
# Component Name
Component Name for FuselagemUI.
## Usage
<ComponentPreview name="component-name-demo" />
## Code
<ComponentPreview showPreview={false} name="component-name" />
## Props
| Attribute | Type | Description | Default |
| --------- | ----------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
| children | `React.ReactNode` | The content to be rendered within the gradient background. | `undefined` |
| className | `string` | The CSS class to be applied to the inner div. | `undefined` |

Send your pull request

  • Send your pull request to the main branch.
  • Your pull request will be reviewed by the maintainers and the maintainers will decide if it is accepted or not.
  • Once the pull request is accepted, the maintainers will merge it to the main branch.