
Create magical landing pages with components that you can copy and paste into your apps.

Fuselagem UI is a collection of re-usable components that you can copy and paste into your web apps.

It primarily features components, blocks, and templates geared towards creating landing pages and user-facing marketing materials.

How is Fuselagem UI is builded?

  • TailwindCSS:

    Tailwind CSS is a CSS Framework that provides atomic CSS classes to help you style components, leaving you to handle lots of other things like accessibility, component composition, keyboard navigation, style overrides, etc.

  • Framer Motion:

    Framer Motion is a powerful animation library for React that simplifies the process of creating complex animations declaratively. It offers an intuitive API to handle animations and transitions without manually dealing with CSS keyframes. Framer Motion also provides advanced features like gestures (drag, tap, hover), layout animations, and physics-based animations, making it easy to build highly interactive and fluid UIs.

  • Typescript:

    TypeScript, on the other hand, is a strongly typed superset of JavaScript that adds static type checking. It helps developers catch errors during development, making the codebase more predictable and robust. In the context of a UI component library, TypeScript ensures that components have well-defined props and states, improving code quality, refactoring capabilities, and providing a better development experience through enhanced IDE support.


PRs on Fuselagem UI are always welcome, please see our contribution guidelines to learn how you can contribute to this project.